Monday, January 21, 2013

Discovering Raleigh!

Our day out on the town....

NC Museum of Natural Science
Dinosaur exhibit at science museum
Preston back in the day!
NC Museum of History
Me practicing my amazing skills...

Preston practicing his cow milking skills!
NC Museum of History
Cute little pony that was outside one of the Museums!
(how could I not take a picture)
Dale Earnhardt Sr. Memorial
NC Museum of History

Well, we finally managed to get out of Fayetteville for a day this past weekend! Saturday we decided to drive up to Raleigh to spend the day doing a little disovering, we wound up checking out the NC Museum of Natural Science and NC Museum of History and walked downtown a bit. Overall I was really impressed with the museums they have there, they're like mini Smithsonians in a way, the displays are set up really nice and all have valuable and interesting information for you to read!  We also stopped by the Crabtree Valley Mall on our way out of town, where they have tons of really neat (and expensive) stores and restaraunts.  Needless to say we just grabbed a drink and did a little window shopping, but it was still really fun! So, that pretty much sums up our fun day in Raleigh, but we're hoping to get out a lot more within the next couple months as our time out here on the East Coast is coming to an end soon, but we'll be sure to keep you all updated on what we're up to! Be sure to check back in with us later! Talk again real soon...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holiday Wrap-Up!

Hello wonderful family and friends of ours!

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas and a wonderful start of the New Year!!  I just thought I'd take some time to let you all know how our holiday festivities went and catch you up on what's going on in our neck of the woods...

As most of you well know we weren't able to make it home this year for Christmas (airfare cross-country can be quite spendy this time of year!) but we had the most amazing first Christmas as husband and wife at our apartment here in Fayetteville.  Preston took me to a cute Christmas lights display the week before Christmas at a place called Meadow Lights in Benson, NC. They had a train that took you around to look at their whole display and a homemade candy store where we bought some yummy goodies and hot chocolate to take back home with us... It was a blast! 
Our date to Meadow Lights!
The weekend before Christmas we had a very special visitor come stay with us!  My dad happened to have some meetings in Atlanta for work on the 16th, so he rented a car and drove up to Fayetteville to spend some time with us while he was over this way.  He got the chance to see a little bit of the base at Fort Bragg and downtown Fayetteville while he was here, he was very impressed with the size of Bragg, it's almost like its own little city!  He also treated us to a nights stay in Myrtle Beach, SC! We had a ton of fun there checking out the boardwalk and staying right on the beach,  it's pretty dead during the winter months there so it was nice to be able to enjoy it without all the people and crazy traffic! We also saw an AWESOME Christmas Lights display that was set up in the parking lot of one of the local baseball fields there, it was timed to music and you were able to drive you car through the whole set-up... it was one of the neatest things I've ever seen! We were very grateful my dad was able to come see us, it was an absolute blast!! Best present I could have ever asked for!
Myrtle Beach, SC
Christmas Eve we got to spend time doing some fun stuff like decorating gingerbread men (mine were the best of course) and enjoying some "Grinch floats" (green sherbet and sprite) while we relaxed and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was super fun and I'm thinking we're gonna have to make it a new Christmas Eve tradition!
Grinch Floats
Our Gingerbread designs!
Christmas morning we got up and did our own little gift exchange (Paisley included) and that was a ton of fun... my hubby knows me quite well, I was very impressed! We were also able to chat and exchange presents via Skype with both sides of our family and that was absolutely wonderful! Even though we wish we would have been able to be there with them in person, it's so nice to be able to have the next best thing! Thank goodness for modern technology!
Our first stockings

Our cute little tree!
New Years Eve we had a ton of fun hanging out with some friends playing games at our place and watching the ball drop on TV!  I uploaded some very amusing Just Dance videos onto Facebook, so you all will have to check them out if you can! It was a blast!!
New Years 2013
So that pretty much sums up what we've been up to as of lately!  I feel so very blessed to be making so many great memories out here with my little family and can't wait to see what the new year brings us!!  We look forward to our move back home in just a few months (end of March-ish) and can't wait to see everyone again very soon!! Love and miss you all very much!!!

TTYS! (Talk to you soon),